Handpainted Terra Cotta 3-Piece Nativity Set, Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Three Sandpipers Carved Wood Figurine
PotTerre Raku Pottery Small Chicken Figurine, Handmade in The USA, Black
PotTerre Raku Pottery Small Chicken Figurine, Handmade in The USA, Multicolor
Crab Handcrafted African Soapstone 4 x 4-inch Decorative Box, Aqua Blue
Crosby & Taylor 4-inch Miniature Handmade American Pewter Nativity, 4-Piece Set
Vintage Chef 3-1/2" Ceramic Salt and Pepper Shaker Set
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Snowy Egret Figurine
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Sandpiper Figurine, Tail Up
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Stilt Sandpiper Figurine
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Snowy Owl Hanging Decoy with Metal Wings
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Goldfinch Hanging Decoy
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Blue Heron Figurine, Hunting
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Carved Hudsonian Curlew Figurine
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Small Wooden Sandpiper Figurine
Stiles in Clay Two Birds on a Chain Porcelain and Steel Sculpture
The Painted Bird by Richard Morgan Two Sandpipers Carved Wood Figurine